Serving Our Neighbors
You are invited to participate in ministry to those outside our congregation.
See Upcoming Events for details about current service opportunities. Here are some of the local ministries we support. Faith Alliance of West Chester & Liberty Township
Join with congregations from around West Chester and Liberty Township in this collaborative network of Christian churches who see value in working side by side to serve the needs of our community. They provide a series of services, share resources and participated in local outreach activities, such as the Stepping Forward Community Dinners, Summer Lunch Program, Feed Our Neighbors in Need Food Drive and X-Days. Learn more about the Faith Alliance. Family Promise Join with houses of faith from around Butler County in providing temporary housing for homeless families. Families will stay at Christ the King several times a year for a week at a time. You are invited to participate by setting up/taking down bedrooms, preparing meals, helping with homework, spending the night with families, and caring for linens. Learn more about Family Promise. Reach Out Lakota Join with community members in supporting this local food pantry and service agency which serves the West Chester and Liberty Township area. Christ the Kings participates in the Back to School supply program, Christmas Adopt-a-Child gift program, and food pantry donations. Learn more about Reach Out Lakota. Stepping Forward Community Dinners Second Tuesday of each month Join with Faith Alliance volunteers to prepare food, host dinner, clean up, and read to children at Faith Community United Methodist Church. Stepping Forward provides specific skills, tools, and relational support so that community members can move out of poverty to a higher level of self sufficiency. Learn more about Stepping Forward. Vida Eterna Iglesia Luterana (VEIL) - Eternal Life Lutheran Church Join with other ELCA congregations in the area in supporting Vida Eterna, a Spanish-speaking mission congregation which reaches the Hispanic community in Butler County. There are opportunities for providing donations, tutoring, and joining in worship and other programming. Click on the logos below to learn more about some of the ministries that Christ the King supports through special offerings: |
Help a Child in Need Succeed!
Saturday, July 20 - Sunday, August 4 Join our school supplies drive for Reach Out Lakota through The Faith Alliance. Supply requests are based on lists from area schools. Pick up a card in the Gathering Area for supplies to purchase or you can make a cash donation. Online donations can be made at Contributions are due by Sunday, August 4. For more information, contact Susan Fox. A Family Success Story:
Getting Out of the Drive-Thru by Billy Bruns, Family Promise of Butler County "As human beings, we are all not conducting just one narrative but many narratives all at the same time." ~ David Hare Being a part of the Family Promise team, you enter the narrative of others. Recently we had a family come through Family Promise of Butler County whose head of household had an 11th-grade education with $65 dollars in her Chime account. She was employed by a local drive-thru making less than $1,000 a month to feed and house her family of four. She spent 30 days in our program. She was equipped with a list of resources throughout the county. She worked with our shelter manager on defining what a budget looked like. Our congregations loved her and her family well through hosting, feeding, and even gas cards. While here, she found a new job in the culinary industry where she received two promotions in two months. She makes $12 more per hour than her job at the drive-thru. She is working on getting her HiSET (similar to a GED), has a small apartment to house her family, and is saving for a better vehicle. Because of the budgeting skills she learned, she now saves almost 40% of her take-home pay to better her life. Thank you to all who played a part in changing the story of this family. Because of her time with Family Promise of Butler County, and the great love she was shown by our host congregations, she is a living success story. |