Poinsettias - 2021
It has long been a tradition at CtK to have poinsettias on the altar for Christmas Eve worship. You are invited to purchase poinsettias in memory or honor of loved ones, and the flowers will be placed in the sanctuary to enrich the Christmas Eve worship service.
You will be able to pick up your poinsettia(s) after the Christmas Eve worship service on Thursday, December 24. Please place your order by December 19. Don't send your dead plants and empty pots to the land fill! Instead of putting them in the trash, bring your plants to the compost bins by the Community Harvest Garden and leave your plastic pots in the labeled container found by the compost bin to be reused by our gardening team. Questions? Contact Denise |
Poinsettia are $10 each.
You can pay online with e-check or credit card HERE (select "flower fund") or mail a check to Christ the King Lutheran Church P.O. Box 383 West Chester, OH 45071 (please note "pointsettia" on the memo line) |